Hanuman Jayanthi Celebration, 2019

Students of primary classes put up a colourful and divine show, depicting the life of Lord Hanuman on 14th November 2019(Thursday). The significant incidents that took place in Lord Hanuman’s life were well- explained. The programme revealed the mythological facts about the purpose of his birth, the way he received his long tail as a blessing and how he was taken as a disciple by the sun god. The vibrant dance performance by students clad as monkeys was captivating. The aerial version of ‘Flying Hanuman’ across the school ground showed how he neared the sun presuming it to be a golden fruit. The entire show was a melange of mythology, morals and divinity.

Bharathi Dharshan

“Bharathi Darshan” Science exhibition was held on 23rd November 2019. Students of classes I to XII participated with whole hearted enthusiasm and involvement. Physics based experiments were well explained to the inquisitive spectators. Many chemistry combinations with simple, daily-life activities attracted the attention of the young on-lookers. To know more about surroundings, the widest view of biological experiments was apocalysed on this day. It threw light on ophthalmology, genetics, orthopaedics, labs and Nutrition & dietetics. Apart from these, the lab equipments like laparoscopy and haemodialysis units were also exhibited. An exhibit on ‘Greens’ was also organized, to create awareness on the importance of diet rich fibers. All the exhibits were well displayed by the students to render valuable information to the society.

Independence Day

The 72nd Independence Day Celebration was held in the school on 15th August 2019. All the teachers and students took part in the celebration with profound patriotism. The National Flag was hoisted with utmost devotion. The echoes of the pledge along with the flag song created an aura of integrity among the audience. The School Pupil leader delivered a speech to explicate the true sense of freedom. A skit enacted by the students of Middle school highlighted upon the plight of Indian farmers, a bitter truth existent in our society that cannot be swept under the rug. The silent and deeply engrossed audience also witnessed the measures to help the deprived farmers of our country. The celebration concluded with the National Anthem. A drawing competition was also held for the students to mark the occasion.

Presentation of Colours

“Presentation of Colours”, the investiture ceremony for the academic year 2019-2020 was held on 18th July 2019 at Bharathi. Leadership is the quality which influences the peers in accomplishing an objective by directing others in a coherent and cohesive manner. Presentation of Colours marked the embarkment of eleventh graders as School Prefects, Sports Secretaries, House Captains and Club Presidents. The event was presided by the Correspondent and Secretary of the school Mr.C.Anand. The Solemn ceremony began with a prayer song to invoke the blessings of Almighty. Then the newly elected office bearers marched forth, received their dignified mantles and pledged to undertake their duties with the best of their abilities. They were conferred with title badges by the Correspondent and the Principal. The outgoing leaders also shared their experience as a part of the event. Thus the event concluded with a vote of thanks and National Anthem.

Orientation Programme for Kindergarten Parents

An Orientation programme was held for the Kindergarten parents on 5th July, 2019 at Bharathi. Dr.Neminathan, an eminent paediatrician addressed the gathering. The session began with a prayer song followed by the welcome address. Dr.Neminathan enlightened the parents on child development at each stage of life. He stressed on the role of parents in understanding the psychology of a child by spending substantial time with children at home. He also urged the parents to restrict the usage of hi-tech devices like mobile phones, TV etc., and to spend quality time with them. He emphasized that the parents should develop a keen observation with an enormous amount of patience and perseverance while handing children. Dr.Neminathan also answered to various queries raised by the parents in an interesting manner. Thus the session concluded with the vote of thanks and National Anthem.

Inauguration of Clubs

Various clubs of Bharathi were inaugurated in a formal manner on 14th June 2019, Friday. The programme began with an invocation to the Almighty. It was followed by lighting of lamp by the Principal of the School. The Presidents of each club read out their objectives and activities that lined up for the forth coming year. The students of various clubs enacted skits in accordance with their goals and objectives. The Principal of the School urged the students to take part actively in all the club events to enhance their creativity which in turn will build their self-confidence to face futuristic challenges. The programme concluded with vote of thanks.